Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Chromium OS is an open-source project that aims to build an operating system that provides a fast, simple, and more secure computing experience for people who spend most of their time on the web. Chrome OS will not be available as a download to run and install, although Chromium OS can be compiled from source by anyone.


User interface
Design goals for Google Chrome OS's user interface include using minimal screen space by combining applications and standard Web pages into a single tab strip, rather than separating the two. Designers are considering a reduced window management scheme that would operate only in full-screen mode.
Hardware support
Google Chrome OS is initially intended for secondary devices like netbooks, not as a user's primary PC,8] and will run on hardware incorporating an x86 or ARM-based processor. While Chrome OS will support hard disk drives, Google has requested that its hardware partners use solid-state drives "for performance and reliability reasons", as well as the lower capacity requirements inherent in an operating system that accesses applications and most user data on remote servers. Google Chrome OS consumes one-sixtieth as much drive space as Windows 7.
Integrated media player
Google will integrate a media player into both Chrome OS and the Chrome browser, enabling users to play back MP3s, view JPEGs, and handle other multimedia files while offline.
Link handling
One unresolved design problem related to both Chrome OS and the Chrome browser is the desired behavior for how Web applications handle specific link types. For example, if a JPEG is opened in Chrome or on a Chrome OS device, should a specific Web application be automatically opened to view it, and if so, which one? Similarly, if a user clicks on a .doc file, which website should open: Office Live, Gview, or a previewing utility? Project director Matthew Papakipos noted that Windows developers have faced the same fundamental problem: "Quicktime is fighting with Windows Media Player, which is fighting with Chrome". As the number of Web applications increases, the same problem arises.
Going online doesn't have to be scary. Chrome notebooks use advanced technology to help prevent malware and viruses from accessing your data. And you never have to lift a finger. Losing your notebook doesn’t mean losing your confidential data, as Chrome maintains a cloud of your data and using another Chrome embedded OS you can access your data.

Google is hoping to launch it by the next year.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


After the launch of GSLV-FO6 at 4:04:00 PM at Srikota base Andhra Pardesh, & after its launch, at 4:04:63 PM the Chairman of ISRO ordered the remote blast, as there was some problem in the launch vehicle, rest will be discovered after the ISRO completes there investigation within a day or 2. But in these 63 seconds ISRO loosed RS. 325 crore and years of hard work.
The Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle is an expendable launch system operated by the Indian Space Research Organisation(ISRO). It was developed to enable India to launch its INSAT-type satellites into geostationary orbit and to make India less dependent on foreign rockets.The Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) project was initiated in 1990 with the objective of acquiring launch capability for Geosynchronous satellites. Until then, India depended on the former Soviet Union for the launch of heavy satellites.
Till date India has launched 7 GSLV but only 4 went successful...
Failed launch of the 5,093 pounds (2,310 kg) GSAT-5P on December 25, 2010 at 16:04 local time. The rocket veered from its intended flight path, tumbled out of control in a fireball 63 seconds after launch. Initial evaluation was that control of the strap-on boosters was lost, leading to a catastrophic set back for ISRO when the rocket broke up due to the acute angle of attack that the rocket took due to the failure, causing what appears to be a "structural failure" of body of the rocket housing the 3rd Stage ( housing the Cryogenic Stage - seems to have broken up 64 seconds into the 1st stage of flight,which is most probably the INTER-STAGE (connector of stage 2 and stage 3),followed by what seems to be a programmed detonation by the range safety team at ISRO.

Friday, December 17, 2010


In your car, the firewall sits between the engine compartment and the front seat and is built to keep you from being burned by the heat of the combustion process. Your computer has a firewall, too, for much the same reason – to keep you and your data from being burned by hackers and thieves who are the unfortunate creators of “Internet combustion” and destruction. 

The firewall, a “combo” approach of software that regulates and monitors hardware and communications protocols, is there to inspect network traffic and all the “packets” of information that pass through to your inner sanctum, your CPU and hard drives. A firewall will rule out the possibility of harm, or at least greatly minimize, by noting and quarantining potentially harmful “zones” and will either deny or permit access to your computer based on the current set of rules that applies at the time, depending on many (very many) factors. 

Basic tasks and settings 

The basic task for a firewall is to regulate of the flow of traffic between different computer networks that have different “trust levels.” The Internet is full of countless overlapping zones, some safe and some totally deadly. On the other hand, internal networks are more likely to contain a zone or zones that offer a bit more trust. Zones that are in between the two, or are hard to categorize, are sometimes referred to as “perimeter networks” or, in a bit of geek humor, Demilitarized Zones (DMZ). 

Without proper configuration, a firewall can simply become another worthless tool. Standard security practices call for a "default-deny" firewall rule, meaning that the only network connections that are allowed are the ones that have been explicitly okayed, after due investigation. Unfortunately, such a setup requires detailed understanding of networkapplications and a great deal of time and energy to establish and administer. 

Who can do what? 

Many businesses and individuals lack sufficient computer and network knowledge to set up a default-deny firewall, and will therefore use a riskier but simpler "default-allow" rule, in which all traffic is permitted unless it has beenspecifically blocked for one of a number of possible reasons. This way of setting up a firewall makes “mysterious” and unplanned network connections possible, and the chance your system may be compromised becomes much more likely. 

Firewall technology had its first growth period in the computer technology revolution of the late 1980s, when the Internet was a fairly new in terms of its global reach and connectivity options. The predecessors to today’s hardware/software hybrid firewalls were the routers used in the mid 1980s to physically separate networks from each other. However small the Internet began, it was ultimately undone by supremely fast growth and the lack of security planning, and therefore there were the inevitable breaches caused by older (“prehistoric”) firewall formats. Fortunately, computer pros learn from their errors, and the firewall technology continues improving daily.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Though the tiger is one of the most powerful mammal, it also faces the worst chances of being extinct.

Tigers have been hunted heavily by humans over the past few years. The tiger population in the Indian sub-continent has declined seriously in the past fifty years. Nepal has only two hundred tigers, while India has about four thousand, a serious decline from the past figures. China and Korea are the biggest criminals as far as tiger poaching is concerned. In the nineteen hundreds, the entire tiger population was more than one lakh. However, today the global tiger population is less than ten thousand animals. 

While humans are the worst enemies of the tiger, it also has enemies in the form of elephants, bears and very large buffaloes.The only defense tigers have against their enemies are their razor sharp claws and their strong teeth. Other than that, sometimes the sheer weight of a tiger can kill a average sized humans. Tigers are known to weight as much as three hundred to five hundred pounds. 

The male tiger weighs five hundred pounds, whereas the tigress weighs three hundred pounds. The Siberian tiger is of the biggest size in the tiger family, and therefore the cat family. The tiger's average height is around three feet.

Tigers are very good climbers and swimmers. This adaptability saves them from natural disasters and floods. However, when it comes to fighting against their biggest mortal enemy - the human - tigers fall short of an arsenal in their weapon.

Tigers have been hunted by humans since time incarnate. In ancient times, some tigers were also tamed and kept as pets by royalty. Indeed, a tamed cat would add much color to the royal nature of people at that time.Tiger hunting was a sport played by royalty in ancient times. Also, in many Asian countries, there many superstitions regarding tigers. It doesn't matter whether wearing a talisman made out of a tiger's claw has any supernatural powers or not - a tiger will lose his life so that someone makes money out of it.

Other than that, tigers have been hunted for their fur. Ironically, the biggest enemies of tigers may be the connection they have with masculinity and strength in the minds of their largest predators, humans. Almost everything related to the tiger has been sold and held in high esteem and price, be it their claws, their fur, their teeth and in some cases, their eyes.

The tiger's body organs have also been rumored to be a cure for many of human ailments. This has also resulted in the reckless poaching of tigers, making the tigers an endangered species today.

Most of the tiger's body parts are said to be aphrodisiacs, medicines or poisons - possibly the most powerful in the world. This false notion has therefore made hunters hunt tigers for their whiskers, the aforementioned whiskers, their eyes, the aforementioned talismans and their penises, liver and fat, the aforementioned aphrodisiacs. The bones of a tiger are also said to be prized medicines.

Other than simple hunting, humans have also changed the natural habitat of the tiger. Humans have encroached on tiger land, which more often than not results in hunting tigers in the end. They have also destroyed their habitats by cutting down trees and polluting the atmosphere. More seriously, humans have hunted their prey, forcing tigers to either starve or take more risks. In reality, the tiger does not hunt any animal larger than itself, for example the elephant. 

There are now serious actions taken for the survival of this majestic beast at the brink of extinction. All sub species of the tiger, like the white tiger has been proclaimed to be endangered.China has banned the sale of all and any tiger related products since 1993. Since then, illegal poaching of tigers for their fur, bones and other organs is rampant.

This mammal really need a care now. These killing figures(1411) are itself telling that, they really need the attention else the day is not far when the Tiger will only become a text of some School book, and the coming generation just peeping their eyes while watching their photos.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Underwater Robots on Course to the Deep Sea

Robots do not have to breathe. For this reason they can dive longer than any human. Equipped with the necessary sensor technology they inspect docks or venture down to the ocean fl oor to search for raw materials. At present, researchers are developing a model which will carry out routine tasks independently, without help from humans.

n the meantime, there are AUVs (autonomous underwater vehicles) which collect data independently or take samples before they return to the starting points. "For the time being, the technology is too expensive to carry out routine work, such as inspections of bulkheads, dams or ships' bellies," explains Dr. Thomas Rauschenbach, Director of the Application Center System Technology AST Ilmenau, Germany at the Fraunhofer Institute for Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation IOSB. This may change soon. Together with the researchers at four Fraunhofer Institutes, Rauschenbach's team is presently working on a generation of autonomous underwater robots which will be smaller, more robust and cheaper than the previous models. The AUVs shall be able to find their bearings in clear mountain reservoirs equally well as in turbid harbor water. They will be suitable for work on the floor of the deep sea as well as for inspections of shallow concrete bases that offshore wind power station have been mounted on.
The engineers from Fraunhofer Institute for Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation in Karlsruhe, Germany are working on the "eyes" for underwater robots. Optical perception is based on a special exposure and analysis technology which even permits orientation in turbid water as well. First of all, it determines the distance to the object, and then the camera emits a laser impulse which is reflected by the object, such as a wall. Microseconds before the reflected light flash arrives, the camera opens the aperture and the sensors capture the incident light pulses. At the Ilmenau branch of the Fraunhofer Institute for Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation,
Rauschenbach's team is developing the "brain" of the robot: a control program that keeps the AUV on course in currents such as at a certain distance to the wall that is to be examined. The Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering IBMT in St. Ingbert provides the silicone encapsulation for the pressure-tolerant construction of electronic circuits as well as the "ears" of the new robot: ultrasound sensors permit the inspection of objects. Contrary to the previously conventional sonar technology, researchers are now using high-frequency sound waves which are reflected by the obstacles and registered by the sensor. The powerful but lightweight lithium batteries of the Fraunhofer ISIT in Itzehoe that supply the AUV with energy are encapsulated by silicone.
A special energy management system that researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology UMSICHT in Oberhausen, Germany have developed saves power and ensures that the data are saved in emergencies before the robot runs out of energy and has to surface.
A torpedo-shaped prototype two meters long that is equipped with eyes, ears, a brain, a motor and batteries will go on its maiden voyage this year in a new tank in Ilmenau. The tank is only three meters deep, but "that's enough to test the decisive functions," affirms Dr. Rauschenbach. In autumn 2011, the autonomous diving robot will put to sea for the first time from the research vessel POSEIDON: Several dives up to a depth of 6,000 meters have been planned.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Learn 3D graphics

3D computer graphics (in contrast to 2D computer graphics) are graphics that utilize a three-dimensional representation of geometric data that is stored in the computer for the purposes of performing calculations and rendering 2D images.

Such images may be for later display or for real-time viewing.
Despite these differences, 3D computer graphics rely on many of the same algorithms as 2D computer vector graphics in the wire frame model and 2D computer raster graphics in the final rendered display.
In computer graphics software, the distinction between 2D and 3D is occasionally blurred; 2D applications may use 3D techniques to achieve effects such as lighting, and primarily 3D may use 2D rendering techniques.
3D computer graphics are often referred to as 3D models.
Apart from the rendered graphic, the model is contained within the graphical data file.
However, there are differences.
A 3D model is the mathematical representation of any three-dimensional object (either inanimate or living).
A model is not technically a graphic until it is visually displayed.
Due to 3D printing, 3D models are not confined to virtual space.
A model can be displayed visually as a two-dimensional image through a process called 3D rendering, or used in non-graphical computer simulations and calculations..

Friday, May 28, 2010

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Thursday, May 20, 2010


It was October'07, when we all joined Diploma In LPU. As the time passed, we all kept on maturing and came to know how much selfishness is required to survive in this cruel world that exist when u take first right from the corner of the road that leads to your home. The time we spent in LPU taught us how to travel, how to manage your self in every kind of circumstances. We have started taking our life to the practical world. After a month we would be know as engineers, and that's all because of the faculty members that we had, who taught us, sent their valuable time in teaching us and bringing the engineers out of us. I personally feels, that its all because of LPU our life, way of talking, way of dressing etc etc is completely changed. Whenever I think of the past, like what we were when we came in to university in 2007 and what we are now, I sometimes laugh at my self... that what I have become now...!! All thanx to our university for bringing these big changes in our life. Whenever I meet my old school mates, I internally feels, Yes... I have better knowledge than them...!
                                  Now its time to saw good bye to Diploma and welcome to Degree. Lets see what more excitement is coming up in next three years...

With Regards...!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sixth Sense

Sixth Sense is a mini-projector coupled with a camera and a cellphone—which acts as the computer and your connection to the Cloud, all the information stored on the web. Sixth Sense can also obey hand gestures, like in the infamous Minority Report.

However, instead of requiring you to be in front of a big screen like Tom Cruise, Sixth Sense can do its magic—and a lot more—everywhere, even while you are jumping hysteric over Oprah's sofa.

The camera recognizes objects around you instantly, with the micro-projector overlaying the information on any surface, including the object itself or your hand. Then, you can access or manipulate the information using your fingers. Need to make a call? Extend your hand on front of the projector and numbers will appear for you to click. Need to know the time? Draw a circle on your wrist and a watch will appear. Want to take a photo? Just make a square with your fingers, highlighting what you want to frame, and the system will make the photo—which you can later organize with the others using your own hands over the air.

But those are just novelty applications. The true power of Sixth Sense lies on its potential to connect the real world with the Internet, and overlaying the information on the world itself. Imagine you are at the supermarket, thinking about what brand of soap is better. Or maybe what wine you should get for tonight's dinner. Just look at objects, hold them on your hands, and Sixth Sense will show you if it's good or bad, or if it fits your preferences or not.

Now take this to every aspect of your everyday life. You can be in a taxi going to the airport, and just by taking out your boarding pass, Sixth Sense will grab real time information about your flight and display it over the ticket. You won't need to do any action. Just hold it in front of your and it will work.

The key here is that Sixth Sense recognizes the objects around you, displaying information automatically and letting you access it in any way you want, in the simplest way possible.

Clearly, this has the potential of becoming the ultimate "transparent" user interface for accessing information about everything around us. If they can get rid of the colored finger caps and it ever goes beyond the initial development phase, that is. But as it is now, it may change the way we interact with the real world and truly give everyone complete awareness of the environment around us.

With regards...!

Saturday, April 24, 2010


The computer experts suggest the drivers not to take their eyes off the road, as this can prove to be really disasterous...!
                    The Computer Scientist have successfully created a software called 'eyedriver' that manages and controls the steering wheel of the car and moves to the direction where your eyes move.The eyeDriver software is a prototype application for steering the vehicle eye movements. The eye movements of the driver are collected and converted into control signals for the steering wheel where as the speed is controlled separately and is not included in eyeDriver. The software shows that you can drive a vehicle alone with eye movements.
The HED4 solution used for detecting and tracking the eye movements. All you need is a converted bicycle helmet equipped with two cameras and an infrared LED, as well as a laptop computer with special software. One of the cameras is pointed to the front in the same direction as the person wearing the helmet (scene camera), while the other camera films one eye of the wearer (eye camera). The infrared light supports the eye camera and is pointed to the eye under observation. A transparent mirror that reflects only the infrared light is used to allow a reasonable viewing angle for the eye camera, without limiting the wearer's ability to see. After a brief calibration the software on the laptop of the HED4 is not only able to capture the position of the pupil in the eye camera, but can also calculate the position in the scene camera that the wearer is looking at. These coordinates in the image of the scene camera (viewing position) are transmitted via an ordinary LAN to the onboard computer. The eyeDriver software receives the viewing positions at regular intervals over the LAN in the vehicle and uses it to control the steering wheel. It is available in two modes and the driver can choose any one from: "free ride" and "routing."

In the "free ride" mode the viewing positions are linked directly with the steering wheel motor. That means that the x-coordinates of the viewing position are used to calculate the desired position of the steering wheel. Further, driver looks to the left or right, the steering wheel is turned in that direction. The speed of the vehicle is set in advance and kept constant, as long as the position of the gaze is recognized. In case it is not possible to detect which direction the driver is looking in, for example, if the driver's eyes are closed, the vehicle brakes automatically.

In the "routing" mode, car steers autonomously most of the time. Only where there is a fork in the road, or an intersection, the car stops and asks the driver to select the next route. This requires the wearer of the helmet to look to the left or right for three seconds. If the driver's gaze lingers long enough in one direction, the eyeDriver software confirms acoustically that the choice has been accepted. The decision is communicated to the planner in the vehicle. Then the artificial intelligence plans the route accordingly and continue to run independently.
With Regards...1

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Its gud to know that world remembers that they have kept a day for earth because rest of the 364 days they keeps on destroying it for their own selfishness. Full year they are busy in making buildings, new technologies, making new experiments, testing there weapons, fighting with one another for no reasons and destroying earth in one way or another. So why only one day...? One day you sit, have a board meeting, make certain policies, plans, promises and the very next minute its all the same. And if any how those plans or promises are brought up practically, that also last for few days and the life is back on the same gear... So now its on us what we do to save our mother earth as we can't trust on the one's who are all busy in making in any way possible and they can go to any level for money even can destroy their own family.
So lets take plegde and save our earth for our coming generation and gift them a beautiful earth as our ancestors gave us... Now its our duty to protect it and make it beautiful once again...

With Regards...!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Hello Apple lover...
So you think that Mac OS of Apple provides more features as compared to Microsoft...? Get this thing out of your mind as soon as possible. The major features in which Mac fails is  SECURITY. Apple is not at all secure and it does not bother for the security as well. Where as Microsoft is lot concerned about the security of its users. But the Apple lovers ignores the security threats and go for buying it.
Microsoft tries to provide its best security for its users where as Apple as a company tries to create its market on false promises.Anytime there's been a hacking contest, within a few hours someone's found a new Apple vulnerability. If they were taking it seriously, they wouldn't claim to be more secure than Microsoft because they are very much not. 

So it would be better for you to go for Microsoft OS then paying more n choosing the one who is not at all concerned about your security...

With Regards...!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hi readers and all the viewers of Lux DID season2. Its a request to you all kindly log onto and vote for dharmesh sir. As it is moving toward its final stage he needs all your vote and support. So kindly vote for Dharmesh Sir and make  him the right winner of DID.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


It was a great day today, as the computer technology giant, MICROSOFT INDIA visited our college for a seminar. It was an honor for us to have them in our university. They showed us where the technology has reached. You just need to think of the action to be performed and its done. They made us learn how the Artificial Intelligence can be connected to the human beings. It included how a piece of paper can be used as our computer. We can make the use of the wall to perform certain tasks like making pictures,sending emails etc. Al it requires is a head mounted projector and a camera that records the movement of our hands.
It was Er. Rajeev Bhatia and Er. Tarun chough from Microsoft India who came all the way from Banglore to address us.
Er. Rajeev Bhatia told us about the upcoming product of Microsoft called Microsoft Expression Studio where one can create various applications very easily like in Adobe Flash. He also told us about various technologies about which we had never even thought of, showed us some really exciting videos and a small quiz was held on Microsoft.
Next was Er. Tarun chough from Microsoft India who told us about the Robotic Study. He told us how one can create a simple robotic application with in minutes without any need of assembly language. All you require is Microsoft Robot Studio. He also told us how a robot works, what is the mechanism used behind its working. Like sensors are used to sense the area where it has to move, infra red rays act as its eyes and again some sensors are used that hear a command given by the user and it has to work according to it. These all motions are controlled by the brain of the robot called Accelometer. But after it started becoming lil boring and many were interested in moving back home.The guys sitting behind us started playing games.
But it was Er. Rajeev Bhatia back with something really interesting. He told us about the initiatives taken by the Microsoft like Microsoft Student Business, Microsoft Student Partner, Imaging cup etc. The best was the imagine cup where one can show his/her imagination in the fields like photography, softwares, robots etc. But the imagine cup 2010 is almost moving towards its end, as its finale is set to be held in Poland and six engineers from India have been selected there. As we all know that Microsoft don't come for the in campus placements, as they have there own criteria, all you need is to go for Microsoft Student partner, where there are five different levels for the selection. The first level includes a small written test in which only 10% students are choosed from the number of participants and the end only five are provided with the job in Microsoft.
So overall it was really an awesome experience and a life time opportunity for us.

But the journey is not over yet. Now it was time to return back home. Had some snacks in Phagwara and boarded the bus for Ludhiana. Five KM away from ISBT, driver told me that bus will not go to the bus stand and will have to leave the bus here only. It was nine in the night and was left alone on the road with some ugly faces passing by me. Don't know what to do...? Cannot board an auto as its risky going by an auto late night. So I called the cab service but in vain. Kept myself calm and came an idea to call one of my friend who can drop me to ISBT. He came at around 9:40PM and we moved to the ISBT and reached home by 10:30 PM.

With Regards...!  

Thursday, April 8, 2010

There are always certain things that a person should keep it within. So that it keeps on growing & growing, and when it comes out, blast everything nearby. So do I... It was a great boring start of the day with no mood to come to the college, but had no other option, so decided to move out of my bed and get ready for the college. Everything was going fine, but it took along time to get charged. i was completely messed up and was unable to concentrate on anything. Thats why you all were able to make fun of me. But remember guys every dog has his day. So it was yours.

The start was that bad that I was not able to even install the bloody window in Laptop, never mind. it happens some times when you are not able to concentrate.But let me tell you guys,the volcano in me is taking a new turn and will be erupting soon. So better take care of yourself ASHUTOSH DHIMAN AND DUSHYANT.

Your bad time has started and am not gonna leave you assholes...
really m gonna screw you soon. So have fun

With Regards...!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Do any one know who is Warren Buffet...??

He is an American investor,businessman and one of the most successful shareholder and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. He is the world's third richest person with his wealth of around US$ 47 billion. Once he was declared as the worlds richest men with his wealth of US$ 67 billion,  but he donated half of his wealth in charity and also earned US$ 12 billion in just 12 months with his monthly salary of around US $ 1lacs.
Once interviewed with CNBC many aspects of his life came out to the world like...
1. He bought his first share at age 11 and he now regrets that he started too late!

2. He bought a small farm at age 14 with savings from delivering newspapers.

3. He still lives in the same small 3-bedroom house in mid-town Omaha , that he bought after he got married 50 years ago. He says that he has everything he needs in that house. His house does not have a wall or a fence.

4. He drives his own car everywhere and does not have a driver or security people around him.

5. He never travels by private jet, although he owns the world's largest private jet company.

6. His company, Berkshire Hathaway, owns 63 companies. He writes only one letter each year to the CEOs of these companies, giving them goals for the year. He never holds meetings or calls them on a regular basis. He has given his CEO's only two rules. Rule number 1: do not lose any of your share holder's money. Rule number 2: Do not forget rule number 1.

7. He does not socialize with the high society crowd.. His past time after he gets home is to make himself some pop corn and watch Television.

8. Bill Gates, the world's richest man met him for the first time only 5 years ago. Bill Gates did not think he had anything in common with Warren Buffet. So he had scheduled his meeting only for half hour. But when Gates met him, the meeting lasted for ten hours and Bill Gates became a devotee of Warren Buffet.

9. Warren Buffet does not carry a cell phone, nor has a computer on his desk.

His advice to young people
 : "Stay away from credit cards and invest in yourself and

Money doesn't create man but it is the man who created money. 
Live your life as simple as you are. 
Don't do what others say, just listen to them, but do what makes you feel good. 
Don't go on brand name; just wear those things in which you feel comfortable. 
Don't waste your money on unnecessary things; just spend on things that you really need. 
After all it's your life, then why give others the chance to rule your life." 

"No one can make you feel inferior without your permission, remember they are no better."

Sunday, April 4, 2010


What if all the softwares were an open source...? What if you were able to change the design, the use of MS Word or Apple itunes...

       I know Microsoft and Apple wont do that. But how about if we are able to do, and design them the way we want like modifying a bike and giving a desired shape according to our choice. Let see how...
  The researcher says it can be done if one is able to change the pixels of the screen i.e. what an application shows can be changed to what we want.
        For eg. we are working on MS Word and want to play some music. The best option is to open the media player and then play the desired music. What if we add the buttons to the MS Word only...!
        They have named it as 'Prefab' which  takes advantage of the fact that almost all displays are made from prefabricated blocks of code such as buttons, sliders, check boxes and drop-down menus. Prefab looks for those blocks as many as 20 times per second and alters their behavior.
The researchers are continuing to develop Prefab and are exploring options for commercialization.


Prefab unlocks previously inaccessible interfaces, allowing people to add the same usability tool to all the applications they run on their desktop. The system could translate a program's interface into a different language, or reorder menus to bump up favorite commands.
The researchers hope Prefab will spur development of new innovations.Prehab also allows to produce many advanced effects like producing multiple previews of a single image in the photoshop.But at the back end
Prefab moves the sliders to different points, captures the output and then displays all of them on a single screen. This could save time by showing a range of effects the user frequently adjusts.

If this technology became a success,then their next target will be to use it in the mobile phones as well. Lets see what happens, wait for 14th april. As its first trail test will be held on 14th and the required changes would be done.

Hope for the best

With Regards...!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


The January 1975 issue of Popular Electronics featured on its cover a box with switches and blinking lights called the Altair 8800, considered by many to be the first personal computer.

Ed Roberts, who died Thursday at age 68, created the Altair, the computer that brought Microsoft Corp. founders Bill Gates and Paul Allen into desktop computing. His machine inspired a legion of hobbyists who became the foundation of a vibrant new industry.

An Air Force trained engineer who had designed electronics for Christmas window displays, Mr. Roberts and a colleague in 1969 founded MITS Inc., in Albuquerque, N.M. The company's name was an acronym for Micro Telemetry Instrumentation Systems; it initially built equipment for model-rocketry hobbyists.

MITS soon began building kit-based electronic calculators, which were then considered new-fangled, high-tech and expensive. But by 1973, MITS was losing money because of competition from Texas Instruments and other manufacturers. With several years of experience producing electronics kits for hobbyists, Mr. Roberts decided to stake his small company on a programmable computer, something that he had long envisioned.

Despite the fact that few knew just what to do with a computer that lacked a keyboard, display or storage, MITS was overwhelmed with orders after the Altair appeared on the cover of Popular Electronics magazine. Two attentive readers of that issue were Messrs. Gates and Allen, who had been working on a version of the programming language Basic.

Mr. Allen ended up flying to Albuquerque with a preliminary version of the program, which later shipped with each Altair. Mr. Gates dropped out of Harvard, Mr. Allen quit his job and the two young programmers moved to Albuquerque. There they founded Microsoft to provide software for the Altair.

The Altair garnered 5,000 orders in its first year, with the base model selling for $397.

New companies soon opened to provide circuit boards and other peripherals that made the Altair more useful. The Altair helped inspire some of the first computer magazines and conventions, and also the first clones—copies built on the same design principles around the same Intel Corp. chip.

Mr. Roberts in 1977 sold MITS to Pertec Computer Corp. of Los Angeles, a manufacturer of disk drives. He took up farming and later attended medical school.

In the late 1980s, Mr. Roberts moved to rural Cochran, Ga., where the town's only doctor had recently died. He set up a clinic with a modern laboratory, built a local network to link the office's computers and wrote record-keeping software.

But now the father is no more in between us. A heart breaking news for all the upcoming and existing engineers.

With Regards...!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Astrophysicists analyzing infrared images captured by the Spitzer Space Telescope found indications of a dust cloud surrounding a relatively young star. The star is 10 to 16 million years old, and analysis of the dust cloud suggests that it may coalesce and become a rocky planet like earth. It is located at a distance from the star that it may build an atmosphere, collect liquid water, and perhaps, in millions and millions of years, support life.
                                      It took billions of years and the perfect conditions for our Earth to grow and form. Now, those same conditions can be seen in space, shaping a similar planet.The Earth-like planet is about 430 light years away or 2.5x1015 miles from Earth. It's inside a huge dust belt -- bigger than our asteroid belt -- with enough dusty material to build a planet.To find the planet, astronomers used images captured by the Spitzer Space Telescope. It looks for infrared light or heat radiating from the dusty materials. The images also confirm the rocky fragments forming the new planet are similar to materials found in the Earth's crust and core.
There's also an outer ice belt circling the young planet, making it more likely that water could reach the new planet's surface … and maybe even life, but don't wait around for signs of life. The planet still needs another 100 million years before it's completely formed.

Astronomers say the star the new planet is spinning around is between ten and 16 million years old, which is the perfect age for forming Earth-like planets.
So, if it happens than there will be two earths to live. Lets wait n watch, what happens.
With the coming of 2012, there will be lot more these kinds of updates would be coming up. Hope for the best...

With Regards...!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Just missed to the door of new Law Of Nature...
Action still resulted in an equal and opposite reaction, gravity kept the Earth circling the Sun, and conservation of energy remained intact. But for the tiniest fraction of a second at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), physicists created a symmetry-breaking bubble of space where parity no longer existed.
Parity was long thought to be a fundamental law of nature. It essentially states that the universe is neither right- nor left-handed -- that the laws of physics remain unchanged when expressed in inverted coordinates. In the early 1950s it was found that the so-called weak force, which is responsible for nuclear radioactivity, breaks the parity law. However, the strong force, which holds together subatomic particles, was thought to adhere to the law of parity, at least under normal circumstances.
Now this law appears to have been broken by a team of about a dozen particle physicists, including Jack Sandweiss, Yale's Donner Professor of Physics. Since 2000, Sandweiss has been smashing the nuclei of gold atoms together as part of the STAR experiment at RHIC, a 2.4-mile-circumference particle accelerator, to study the law of parity under the resulting extreme conditions.
The team created something called a quark-gluon plasma -- a kind of "soup" that results when energies reach high enough levels to break up protons and neutrons into their constituent quarks and gluons, the fundamental building blocks of matter.
Theorists believe this kind of quark-gluon plasma, which has a temperature of four trillion degrees Celsius, existed just after the Big Bang, when the universe was only a microsecond old. The plasma "bubble" created in the collisions at RHIC lasted for a mere millionth of a billionth of a billionth of a second, yet the team hopes to use it to learn more about how structure in the universe -- from black holes to galaxies -- may have formed out of the soup.
When the gold nuclei, traveling at 99.999% of the speed of light, smashed together, the plasma that resulted was so energetic that a tiny cube of it with sides measuring about a quarter of the width of a human hair would contain enough energy to power the entire United States for a year.
But now  the team wants to test the result by running the experiment at lower collision energies to see if the apparent violation disappears when there is not enough energy to create the necessary extreme conditions.
If the effect proves to be real, it could help scientists understand a similar asymmetry that led to one of physics' most fundamental mysteries -- namely, why the universe is dominated by ordinary matter today when equal amounts of matter and antimatter were created by the Big Bang.
So lets see what happens next...? Will the coming generation will be reading the new law of nature of the same boring laws...

With Regards...!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Scientists have discovered the world's smallest superconductor, a sheet of four pairs of molecules less than one nanometer wide

Superconducting materials have an electrical resistance of zero, and so can carry large electrical currents without power dissipation or heat generation. Superconductivity was first discovered in 1911, and until recently, was considered a macroscopic phenomenon. The current finding suggests, however, that it exists at the molecular scale, which opens up a novel route for studying this phenomenon.

In the new study, which was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, scientist have examined synthesized molecules of a type of organic salt, (BETS)2-GaCl4, placed on a surface of silver. Using scanning tunneling spectroscopy, the scientists observed superconductivity in molecular chains of various lengths. For chains below 50 nanometers in length, superconductivity decreased as the chains became shorter. However, the researchers were still able to observe the phenomenon in chains as small as four pairs of molecules, or 3.5 nanometers in length.

To observe superconductivity at this scale, the scientists needed to cool the molecules to a temperature of 10 Kelvin. Warmer temperatures reduced the activity. In future studies, scientists can test different types of materials that might be able to form nanoscale superconducting wires at higher temperatures.

This is also vital if one wants to fabricate nanoscale electronic circuits using organic molecules
With Regards...!

Monday, March 29, 2010


How it feels when you sitting on your bed and suddenly falls down, and later comes to know, an earth quake arrives. But how about if your laptop tells you that earth quake is on its way...Lets check out how...

From the quakes of as low as  4.4-magnitude jostle in Los Angeles to as high as February's magnitude 8.8 disaster, ordinary laptops are increasingly acting as miniature seismic stations. They are becoming part of army known as the Quake-Catcher Network, which takes advantage of built-in accelerometers in newer laptops to transmit data about earthquakes to researchers at UC Riverside and Stanford University.

About 1,000 people from 61 countries have signed up so far. If the network gets large enough, researchers say, it could act as a low-cost earthquake warning system.

The newest laptops come fitted with accelerometer(motion detectors), whose job is to switch off the hard drive whenever the laptop is left idol. So this clicked the minds of scientist and decided to use it as quake detectors.The Quake-Catcher software program,  runs in the background on the laptop and becomes active when the user is idle.When the accelerometers detect a quake, the program automatically transmits data about the type and intensity of shaking over the Internet to the researchers.In the case of a power or Internet outage, the data is saved locally and transmitted later.

 Most of the time, earthquakes don't take out power and Internet immediately, so the software provides immediate data on at least the first few seconds of shaking.To filter earthquake data from people bumping or dropping their laptops, the system only flags an earthquake when many computers in one area record motion at once.These computer-based sensors aren't as sensitive as traditional seismic monitors, which can detect earthquakes of magnitude 1.0 or less. The lowest magnitude the Quake-Catcher Network can detect is about 4.0, a moderate quake much like the one that hit LA on March 16.Six of the 30 to 50 laptops in the LA area reported that shaking. The largest quake the network has recorded was Chile's February 27 temblor, which was captured by a USB accelerometer being tested by a professor at the University of Concepcion in Chile.But to get this one has to pay $5000 in order to get alert when ever the disasters arrives without a knock to your home.Now its on you life or money...

With Regards...!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

History may repeat...


University of Alberta physics professor James Pinfold is leading an international team of physicists who will use ultra high energy proton collisions. The protons will move at very near the speed of light, in search for a hypothetical particle, called the magnetic monopole.
Conventional understanding of magnets is that they must have north and south poles. In 1930 it was shown that a sub atomic particle with just a single magnetic pole could exist. Several modern theories of physics are built on the theoretical existence of magnetic monopoles.
Last year, researchers in France and Germany reported the observation of certain states of spin ice, a kind of crystalline material with essentially the same atomic arrangements as water ice that would create monopole-like particles. But Pinfold warns, "these 'quasi-monopoles' should not be confused with the real thing being sought by the U of A led collaboration at CERN."
At CERN, on the Swiss-French border, Pinfold's team will use the LHC, a particle accelerator 27 kilometres in circumference, to search for magnetic monopoles in the shrapnel like debris produced by colliding protons. The proton collisions will create unprecedented energy, 14 million electron volts. The tiny fireballs created in the impact will duplicate the energy produced just after the Big Bang, the event that created the universe.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia when 2.2 million homes and businesses turned their lights off for one hour to make their stand against climate change. Only a year later and Earth Hour had become a global sustainability movement with more than 50 million people across 35 countries participating. Global landmarks such as the, Sydney Harbour Bridge, The CN Tower in Toronto, The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, and Rome’s Colosseum, all stood in darkness, as symbols of hope for a cause that grows more urgent by the hour.

In March 2009, hundreds of millions of people took part in the third Earth Hour. Over 4000 cities in 88 countries officially switched off to pledge their support for the planet, making Earth Hour 2009 the world’s largest global climate change initiative.Earth Hour 2010 takes place on Saturday 27 March at 8.30pm (local time) and is a global call to action to every individual, every business and every community throughout the world. It is a call to stand up, to take responsibility, to get involved and lead the way towards a sustainable future. Iconic buildings and landmarks from Europe to Asia to the Americas will stand in darkness. People across the world from all walks of life will turn off their lights and join together in celebration and contemplation of the one thing we all have in common -our planet-EARTH
So I request all my readers to switch off lights, just for an hour and contribute yourself in saving earth...

With Regards...!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Due to the climate change, the ozone layer started depleting... and soon a ozone hole was seen in Antarctica. But due to the great effort by the scientist, the repair of the hole started... But check out what the latest report says...
The hole in the ozone layer is now steadily closing, but its repair could actually increase warming in the southern hemisphere.The Antarctic ozone hole was once regarded as one of the biggest environmental threats, but the discovery of a previously undiscovered feedback shows that it has instead helped to shield this region from carbon-induced warming over the past two decades.
High-speed winds in the area beneath the hole have led to the formation of brighter summertime clouds, which reflect more of the sun's powerful rays like a mirror.
The key to this newly-discovered feedback is aerosol -- tiny reflective particles suspended within the air that are known by experts to have a huge impact on climate.
Greenhouses gases absorb infrared radiation from the Earth and release it back into the atmosphere as heat, causing the planet to warm up over time. Aerosol works against this by reflecting heat from the sun back into space, cooling the planet as it does so.
Beneath the Antarctic ozone hole, high-speed winds whip up large amounts of sea spray, which contains millions of tiny salt particles. This spray then forms droplets and eventually clouds, and the increased spray over the last two decades has made these clouds brighter and more reflective.
As the ozone layer recovers it is believed that this feedback mechanism could decline in effectiveness, or even be reversed, leading to accelerated warming in the southern hemisphere.
The research is still going on, in order to repair this ozone whole in a natural way so that there is no effect on the environment as well...
So hope for the best...
With Regards...!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Worried of ur data being hacked...!

Dr. Scheuer has a solution for it...
He developed his system using a special laser he invented, which can reach over 3,000 miles without any serious parts of the signal being lost. This approach makes it simpler and more reliable than quantum cryptography, a new technology that relies on the quantum properties of photons, explains Dr. Scheuer. With the right investment to test the theory, Dr. Scheuer says it is plausible and highly likely that the system he has built is not limited to any range on earth, even a round-the-world link, for international communications.

So no  need to worry now. update your PC's and let the hackers arrive...

With Regards...!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Google China Controversy-
On January 12, 2010, Google announced that it is "no longer willing to continue censoring" results on, citing a breach of gmail accounts of Chinese human rights activists. The company found that the hackers had breached into two Gmail accounts but were only able to access 'from' and 'to' information and subject headers of emails in these accounts  The company's investigation into the attack showed that at least 34 other companies had been similarly targeted. Amongst the companies that were attacked were Adobe, Symantec, Yahoo, Northrop Grumman and Dow Chemical. Experts claim the aim of the attacks were to gain information on weapon systems, political dissidents, and valuable source code that powers software applications.
So, finally On March 23, was redirected to David Drummond, senior vice president of Google, stated in his blog that the current circumstances surrounding censorship of the Internet in Mainland China led Google to make such a decision. Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region in China with a high level of freedom of speech and expression, and does not censor search results, making it more effective for networking and sharing information with Internet users in mainland China.

A Good News For Apple Gadgets Lovers-
Apple launched a multi touch mouse called as "Magic Mouse".
Magic Mouse uses powerful laser tracking that’s far more sensitive and responsive on more surfaces than traditional optical tracking. That means it tracks with precision on nearly every surface — whether it’s a table at your favorite cafe or the desk in your home office — without the need for a mousepad.

Magic Mouse — with its low-profile design and seamless top shell — is so sleek and dramatically different, it brings a whole new feel to the way you get around on your Mac. You can’t help but marvel at its smooth, buttonless appearance. Then you touch it and instantly appreciate how good it feels in your hand. But it’s when you start using Magic Mouse that everything comes together.
The Multi-Touch area covers the top surface of Magic Mouse, and the mouse itself is the button. Scroll in any direction with one finger, swipe through web pages and photos with two, and click and double-click anywhere. Inside Magic Mouse is a chip that tells it exactly what you want to do. Which means Magic Mouse won’t confuse a scroll with a swipe. It even knows when you’re just resting your hand on it.
Being Wireless it connects with your PC using Bluetooth and is now available with Mac Book.