Saturday, April 24, 2010


The computer experts suggest the drivers not to take their eyes off the road, as this can prove to be really disasterous...!
                    The Computer Scientist have successfully created a software called 'eyedriver' that manages and controls the steering wheel of the car and moves to the direction where your eyes move.The eyeDriver software is a prototype application for steering the vehicle eye movements. The eye movements of the driver are collected and converted into control signals for the steering wheel where as the speed is controlled separately and is not included in eyeDriver. The software shows that you can drive a vehicle alone with eye movements.
The HED4 solution used for detecting and tracking the eye movements. All you need is a converted bicycle helmet equipped with two cameras and an infrared LED, as well as a laptop computer with special software. One of the cameras is pointed to the front in the same direction as the person wearing the helmet (scene camera), while the other camera films one eye of the wearer (eye camera). The infrared light supports the eye camera and is pointed to the eye under observation. A transparent mirror that reflects only the infrared light is used to allow a reasonable viewing angle for the eye camera, without limiting the wearer's ability to see. After a brief calibration the software on the laptop of the HED4 is not only able to capture the position of the pupil in the eye camera, but can also calculate the position in the scene camera that the wearer is looking at. These coordinates in the image of the scene camera (viewing position) are transmitted via an ordinary LAN to the onboard computer. The eyeDriver software receives the viewing positions at regular intervals over the LAN in the vehicle and uses it to control the steering wheel. It is available in two modes and the driver can choose any one from: "free ride" and "routing."

In the "free ride" mode the viewing positions are linked directly with the steering wheel motor. That means that the x-coordinates of the viewing position are used to calculate the desired position of the steering wheel. Further, driver looks to the left or right, the steering wheel is turned in that direction. The speed of the vehicle is set in advance and kept constant, as long as the position of the gaze is recognized. In case it is not possible to detect which direction the driver is looking in, for example, if the driver's eyes are closed, the vehicle brakes automatically.

In the "routing" mode, car steers autonomously most of the time. Only where there is a fork in the road, or an intersection, the car stops and asks the driver to select the next route. This requires the wearer of the helmet to look to the left or right for three seconds. If the driver's gaze lingers long enough in one direction, the eyeDriver software confirms acoustically that the choice has been accepted. The decision is communicated to the planner in the vehicle. Then the artificial intelligence plans the route accordingly and continue to run independently.
With Regards...1

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Its gud to know that world remembers that they have kept a day for earth because rest of the 364 days they keeps on destroying it for their own selfishness. Full year they are busy in making buildings, new technologies, making new experiments, testing there weapons, fighting with one another for no reasons and destroying earth in one way or another. So why only one day...? One day you sit, have a board meeting, make certain policies, plans, promises and the very next minute its all the same. And if any how those plans or promises are brought up practically, that also last for few days and the life is back on the same gear... So now its on us what we do to save our mother earth as we can't trust on the one's who are all busy in making in any way possible and they can go to any level for money even can destroy their own family.
So lets take plegde and save our earth for our coming generation and gift them a beautiful earth as our ancestors gave us... Now its our duty to protect it and make it beautiful once again...

With Regards...!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Hello Apple lover...
So you think that Mac OS of Apple provides more features as compared to Microsoft...? Get this thing out of your mind as soon as possible. The major features in which Mac fails is  SECURITY. Apple is not at all secure and it does not bother for the security as well. Where as Microsoft is lot concerned about the security of its users. But the Apple lovers ignores the security threats and go for buying it.
Microsoft tries to provide its best security for its users where as Apple as a company tries to create its market on false promises.Anytime there's been a hacking contest, within a few hours someone's found a new Apple vulnerability. If they were taking it seriously, they wouldn't claim to be more secure than Microsoft because they are very much not. 

So it would be better for you to go for Microsoft OS then paying more n choosing the one who is not at all concerned about your security...

With Regards...!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hi readers and all the viewers of Lux DID season2. Its a request to you all kindly log onto and vote for dharmesh sir. As it is moving toward its final stage he needs all your vote and support. So kindly vote for Dharmesh Sir and make  him the right winner of DID.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


It was a great day today, as the computer technology giant, MICROSOFT INDIA visited our college for a seminar. It was an honor for us to have them in our university. They showed us where the technology has reached. You just need to think of the action to be performed and its done. They made us learn how the Artificial Intelligence can be connected to the human beings. It included how a piece of paper can be used as our computer. We can make the use of the wall to perform certain tasks like making pictures,sending emails etc. Al it requires is a head mounted projector and a camera that records the movement of our hands.
It was Er. Rajeev Bhatia and Er. Tarun chough from Microsoft India who came all the way from Banglore to address us.
Er. Rajeev Bhatia told us about the upcoming product of Microsoft called Microsoft Expression Studio where one can create various applications very easily like in Adobe Flash. He also told us about various technologies about which we had never even thought of, showed us some really exciting videos and a small quiz was held on Microsoft.
Next was Er. Tarun chough from Microsoft India who told us about the Robotic Study. He told us how one can create a simple robotic application with in minutes without any need of assembly language. All you require is Microsoft Robot Studio. He also told us how a robot works, what is the mechanism used behind its working. Like sensors are used to sense the area where it has to move, infra red rays act as its eyes and again some sensors are used that hear a command given by the user and it has to work according to it. These all motions are controlled by the brain of the robot called Accelometer. But after it started becoming lil boring and many were interested in moving back home.The guys sitting behind us started playing games.
But it was Er. Rajeev Bhatia back with something really interesting. He told us about the initiatives taken by the Microsoft like Microsoft Student Business, Microsoft Student Partner, Imaging cup etc. The best was the imagine cup where one can show his/her imagination in the fields like photography, softwares, robots etc. But the imagine cup 2010 is almost moving towards its end, as its finale is set to be held in Poland and six engineers from India have been selected there. As we all know that Microsoft don't come for the in campus placements, as they have there own criteria, all you need is to go for Microsoft Student partner, where there are five different levels for the selection. The first level includes a small written test in which only 10% students are choosed from the number of participants and the end only five are provided with the job in Microsoft.
So overall it was really an awesome experience and a life time opportunity for us.

But the journey is not over yet. Now it was time to return back home. Had some snacks in Phagwara and boarded the bus for Ludhiana. Five KM away from ISBT, driver told me that bus will not go to the bus stand and will have to leave the bus here only. It was nine in the night and was left alone on the road with some ugly faces passing by me. Don't know what to do...? Cannot board an auto as its risky going by an auto late night. So I called the cab service but in vain. Kept myself calm and came an idea to call one of my friend who can drop me to ISBT. He came at around 9:40PM and we moved to the ISBT and reached home by 10:30 PM.

With Regards...!  

Thursday, April 8, 2010

There are always certain things that a person should keep it within. So that it keeps on growing & growing, and when it comes out, blast everything nearby. So do I... It was a great boring start of the day with no mood to come to the college, but had no other option, so decided to move out of my bed and get ready for the college. Everything was going fine, but it took along time to get charged. i was completely messed up and was unable to concentrate on anything. Thats why you all were able to make fun of me. But remember guys every dog has his day. So it was yours.

The start was that bad that I was not able to even install the bloody window in Laptop, never mind. it happens some times when you are not able to concentrate.But let me tell you guys,the volcano in me is taking a new turn and will be erupting soon. So better take care of yourself ASHUTOSH DHIMAN AND DUSHYANT.

Your bad time has started and am not gonna leave you assholes...
really m gonna screw you soon. So have fun

With Regards...!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Do any one know who is Warren Buffet...??

He is an American investor,businessman and one of the most successful shareholder and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. He is the world's third richest person with his wealth of around US$ 47 billion. Once he was declared as the worlds richest men with his wealth of US$ 67 billion,  but he donated half of his wealth in charity and also earned US$ 12 billion in just 12 months with his monthly salary of around US $ 1lacs.
Once interviewed with CNBC many aspects of his life came out to the world like...
1. He bought his first share at age 11 and he now regrets that he started too late!

2. He bought a small farm at age 14 with savings from delivering newspapers.

3. He still lives in the same small 3-bedroom house in mid-town Omaha , that he bought after he got married 50 years ago. He says that he has everything he needs in that house. His house does not have a wall or a fence.

4. He drives his own car everywhere and does not have a driver or security people around him.

5. He never travels by private jet, although he owns the world's largest private jet company.

6. His company, Berkshire Hathaway, owns 63 companies. He writes only one letter each year to the CEOs of these companies, giving them goals for the year. He never holds meetings or calls them on a regular basis. He has given his CEO's only two rules. Rule number 1: do not lose any of your share holder's money. Rule number 2: Do not forget rule number 1.

7. He does not socialize with the high society crowd.. His past time after he gets home is to make himself some pop corn and watch Television.

8. Bill Gates, the world's richest man met him for the first time only 5 years ago. Bill Gates did not think he had anything in common with Warren Buffet. So he had scheduled his meeting only for half hour. But when Gates met him, the meeting lasted for ten hours and Bill Gates became a devotee of Warren Buffet.

9. Warren Buffet does not carry a cell phone, nor has a computer on his desk.

His advice to young people
 : "Stay away from credit cards and invest in yourself and

Money doesn't create man but it is the man who created money. 
Live your life as simple as you are. 
Don't do what others say, just listen to them, but do what makes you feel good. 
Don't go on brand name; just wear those things in which you feel comfortable. 
Don't waste your money on unnecessary things; just spend on things that you really need. 
After all it's your life, then why give others the chance to rule your life." 

"No one can make you feel inferior without your permission, remember they are no better."

Sunday, April 4, 2010


What if all the softwares were an open source...? What if you were able to change the design, the use of MS Word or Apple itunes...

       I know Microsoft and Apple wont do that. But how about if we are able to do, and design them the way we want like modifying a bike and giving a desired shape according to our choice. Let see how...
  The researcher says it can be done if one is able to change the pixels of the screen i.e. what an application shows can be changed to what we want.
        For eg. we are working on MS Word and want to play some music. The best option is to open the media player and then play the desired music. What if we add the buttons to the MS Word only...!
        They have named it as 'Prefab' which  takes advantage of the fact that almost all displays are made from prefabricated blocks of code such as buttons, sliders, check boxes and drop-down menus. Prefab looks for those blocks as many as 20 times per second and alters their behavior.
The researchers are continuing to develop Prefab and are exploring options for commercialization.


Prefab unlocks previously inaccessible interfaces, allowing people to add the same usability tool to all the applications they run on their desktop. The system could translate a program's interface into a different language, or reorder menus to bump up favorite commands.
The researchers hope Prefab will spur development of new innovations.Prehab also allows to produce many advanced effects like producing multiple previews of a single image in the photoshop.But at the back end
Prefab moves the sliders to different points, captures the output and then displays all of them on a single screen. This could save time by showing a range of effects the user frequently adjusts.

If this technology became a success,then their next target will be to use it in the mobile phones as well. Lets see what happens, wait for 14th april. As its first trail test will be held on 14th and the required changes would be done.

Hope for the best

With Regards...!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


The January 1975 issue of Popular Electronics featured on its cover a box with switches and blinking lights called the Altair 8800, considered by many to be the first personal computer.

Ed Roberts, who died Thursday at age 68, created the Altair, the computer that brought Microsoft Corp. founders Bill Gates and Paul Allen into desktop computing. His machine inspired a legion of hobbyists who became the foundation of a vibrant new industry.

An Air Force trained engineer who had designed electronics for Christmas window displays, Mr. Roberts and a colleague in 1969 founded MITS Inc., in Albuquerque, N.M. The company's name was an acronym for Micro Telemetry Instrumentation Systems; it initially built equipment for model-rocketry hobbyists.

MITS soon began building kit-based electronic calculators, which were then considered new-fangled, high-tech and expensive. But by 1973, MITS was losing money because of competition from Texas Instruments and other manufacturers. With several years of experience producing electronics kits for hobbyists, Mr. Roberts decided to stake his small company on a programmable computer, something that he had long envisioned.

Despite the fact that few knew just what to do with a computer that lacked a keyboard, display or storage, MITS was overwhelmed with orders after the Altair appeared on the cover of Popular Electronics magazine. Two attentive readers of that issue were Messrs. Gates and Allen, who had been working on a version of the programming language Basic.

Mr. Allen ended up flying to Albuquerque with a preliminary version of the program, which later shipped with each Altair. Mr. Gates dropped out of Harvard, Mr. Allen quit his job and the two young programmers moved to Albuquerque. There they founded Microsoft to provide software for the Altair.

The Altair garnered 5,000 orders in its first year, with the base model selling for $397.

New companies soon opened to provide circuit boards and other peripherals that made the Altair more useful. The Altair helped inspire some of the first computer magazines and conventions, and also the first clones—copies built on the same design principles around the same Intel Corp. chip.

Mr. Roberts in 1977 sold MITS to Pertec Computer Corp. of Los Angeles, a manufacturer of disk drives. He took up farming and later attended medical school.

In the late 1980s, Mr. Roberts moved to rural Cochran, Ga., where the town's only doctor had recently died. He set up a clinic with a modern laboratory, built a local network to link the office's computers and wrote record-keeping software.

But now the father is no more in between us. A heart breaking news for all the upcoming and existing engineers.

With Regards...!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Astrophysicists analyzing infrared images captured by the Spitzer Space Telescope found indications of a dust cloud surrounding a relatively young star. The star is 10 to 16 million years old, and analysis of the dust cloud suggests that it may coalesce and become a rocky planet like earth. It is located at a distance from the star that it may build an atmosphere, collect liquid water, and perhaps, in millions and millions of years, support life.
                                      It took billions of years and the perfect conditions for our Earth to grow and form. Now, those same conditions can be seen in space, shaping a similar planet.The Earth-like planet is about 430 light years away or 2.5x1015 miles from Earth. It's inside a huge dust belt -- bigger than our asteroid belt -- with enough dusty material to build a planet.To find the planet, astronomers used images captured by the Spitzer Space Telescope. It looks for infrared light or heat radiating from the dusty materials. The images also confirm the rocky fragments forming the new planet are similar to materials found in the Earth's crust and core.
There's also an outer ice belt circling the young planet, making it more likely that water could reach the new planet's surface … and maybe even life, but don't wait around for signs of life. The planet still needs another 100 million years before it's completely formed.

Astronomers say the star the new planet is spinning around is between ten and 16 million years old, which is the perfect age for forming Earth-like planets.
So, if it happens than there will be two earths to live. Lets wait n watch, what happens.
With the coming of 2012, there will be lot more these kinds of updates would be coming up. Hope for the best...

With Regards...!