Friday, May 28, 2010

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Thursday, May 20, 2010


It was October'07, when we all joined Diploma In LPU. As the time passed, we all kept on maturing and came to know how much selfishness is required to survive in this cruel world that exist when u take first right from the corner of the road that leads to your home. The time we spent in LPU taught us how to travel, how to manage your self in every kind of circumstances. We have started taking our life to the practical world. After a month we would be know as engineers, and that's all because of the faculty members that we had, who taught us, sent their valuable time in teaching us and bringing the engineers out of us. I personally feels, that its all because of LPU our life, way of talking, way of dressing etc etc is completely changed. Whenever I think of the past, like what we were when we came in to university in 2007 and what we are now, I sometimes laugh at my self... that what I have become now...!! All thanx to our university for bringing these big changes in our life. Whenever I meet my old school mates, I internally feels, Yes... I have better knowledge than them...!
                                  Now its time to saw good bye to Diploma and welcome to Degree. Lets see what more excitement is coming up in next three years...

With Regards...!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sixth Sense

Sixth Sense is a mini-projector coupled with a camera and a cellphone—which acts as the computer and your connection to the Cloud, all the information stored on the web. Sixth Sense can also obey hand gestures, like in the infamous Minority Report.

However, instead of requiring you to be in front of a big screen like Tom Cruise, Sixth Sense can do its magic—and a lot more—everywhere, even while you are jumping hysteric over Oprah's sofa.

The camera recognizes objects around you instantly, with the micro-projector overlaying the information on any surface, including the object itself or your hand. Then, you can access or manipulate the information using your fingers. Need to make a call? Extend your hand on front of the projector and numbers will appear for you to click. Need to know the time? Draw a circle on your wrist and a watch will appear. Want to take a photo? Just make a square with your fingers, highlighting what you want to frame, and the system will make the photo—which you can later organize with the others using your own hands over the air.

But those are just novelty applications. The true power of Sixth Sense lies on its potential to connect the real world with the Internet, and overlaying the information on the world itself. Imagine you are at the supermarket, thinking about what brand of soap is better. Or maybe what wine you should get for tonight's dinner. Just look at objects, hold them on your hands, and Sixth Sense will show you if it's good or bad, or if it fits your preferences or not.

Now take this to every aspect of your everyday life. You can be in a taxi going to the airport, and just by taking out your boarding pass, Sixth Sense will grab real time information about your flight and display it over the ticket. You won't need to do any action. Just hold it in front of your and it will work.

The key here is that Sixth Sense recognizes the objects around you, displaying information automatically and letting you access it in any way you want, in the simplest way possible.

Clearly, this has the potential of becoming the ultimate "transparent" user interface for accessing information about everything around us. If they can get rid of the colored finger caps and it ever goes beyond the initial development phase, that is. But as it is now, it may change the way we interact with the real world and truly give everyone complete awareness of the environment around us.

With regards...!