Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Chromium OS is an open-source project that aims to build an operating system that provides a fast, simple, and more secure computing experience for people who spend most of their time on the web. Chrome OS will not be available as a download to run and install, although Chromium OS can be compiled from source by anyone.


User interface
Design goals for Google Chrome OS's user interface include using minimal screen space by combining applications and standard Web pages into a single tab strip, rather than separating the two. Designers are considering a reduced window management scheme that would operate only in full-screen mode.
Hardware support
Google Chrome OS is initially intended for secondary devices like netbooks, not as a user's primary PC,8] and will run on hardware incorporating an x86 or ARM-based processor. While Chrome OS will support hard disk drives, Google has requested that its hardware partners use solid-state drives "for performance and reliability reasons", as well as the lower capacity requirements inherent in an operating system that accesses applications and most user data on remote servers. Google Chrome OS consumes one-sixtieth as much drive space as Windows 7.
Integrated media player
Google will integrate a media player into both Chrome OS and the Chrome browser, enabling users to play back MP3s, view JPEGs, and handle other multimedia files while offline.
Link handling
One unresolved design problem related to both Chrome OS and the Chrome browser is the desired behavior for how Web applications handle specific link types. For example, if a JPEG is opened in Chrome or on a Chrome OS device, should a specific Web application be automatically opened to view it, and if so, which one? Similarly, if a user clicks on a .doc file, which website should open: Office Live, Gview, or a previewing utility? Project director Matthew Papakipos noted that Windows developers have faced the same fundamental problem: "Quicktime is fighting with Windows Media Player, which is fighting with Chrome". As the number of Web applications increases, the same problem arises.
Going online doesn't have to be scary. Chrome notebooks use advanced technology to help prevent malware and viruses from accessing your data. And you never have to lift a finger. Losing your notebook doesn’t mean losing your confidential data, as Chrome maintains a cloud of your data and using another Chrome embedded OS you can access your data.

Google is hoping to launch it by the next year.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


After the launch of GSLV-FO6 at 4:04:00 PM at Srikota base Andhra Pardesh, & after its launch, at 4:04:63 PM the Chairman of ISRO ordered the remote blast, as there was some problem in the launch vehicle, rest will be discovered after the ISRO completes there investigation within a day or 2. But in these 63 seconds ISRO loosed RS. 325 crore and years of hard work.
The Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle is an expendable launch system operated by the Indian Space Research Organisation(ISRO). It was developed to enable India to launch its INSAT-type satellites into geostationary orbit and to make India less dependent on foreign rockets.The Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) project was initiated in 1990 with the objective of acquiring launch capability for Geosynchronous satellites. Until then, India depended on the former Soviet Union for the launch of heavy satellites.
Till date India has launched 7 GSLV but only 4 went successful...
Failed launch of the 5,093 pounds (2,310 kg) GSAT-5P on December 25, 2010 at 16:04 local time. The rocket veered from its intended flight path, tumbled out of control in a fireball 63 seconds after launch. Initial evaluation was that control of the strap-on boosters was lost, leading to a catastrophic set back for ISRO when the rocket broke up due to the acute angle of attack that the rocket took due to the failure, causing what appears to be a "structural failure" of body of the rocket housing the 3rd Stage ( housing the Cryogenic Stage - seems to have broken up 64 seconds into the 1st stage of flight,which is most probably the INTER-STAGE (connector of stage 2 and stage 3),followed by what seems to be a programmed detonation by the range safety team at ISRO.

Friday, December 17, 2010


In your car, the firewall sits between the engine compartment and the front seat and is built to keep you from being burned by the heat of the combustion process. Your computer has a firewall, too, for much the same reason – to keep you and your data from being burned by hackers and thieves who are the unfortunate creators of “Internet combustion” and destruction. 

The firewall, a “combo” approach of software that regulates and monitors hardware and communications protocols, is there to inspect network traffic and all the “packets” of information that pass through to your inner sanctum, your CPU and hard drives. A firewall will rule out the possibility of harm, or at least greatly minimize, by noting and quarantining potentially harmful “zones” and will either deny or permit access to your computer based on the current set of rules that applies at the time, depending on many (very many) factors. 

Basic tasks and settings 

The basic task for a firewall is to regulate of the flow of traffic between different computer networks that have different “trust levels.” The Internet is full of countless overlapping zones, some safe and some totally deadly. On the other hand, internal networks are more likely to contain a zone or zones that offer a bit more trust. Zones that are in between the two, or are hard to categorize, are sometimes referred to as “perimeter networks” or, in a bit of geek humor, Demilitarized Zones (DMZ). 

Without proper configuration, a firewall can simply become another worthless tool. Standard security practices call for a "default-deny" firewall rule, meaning that the only network connections that are allowed are the ones that have been explicitly okayed, after due investigation. Unfortunately, such a setup requires detailed understanding of networkapplications and a great deal of time and energy to establish and administer. 

Who can do what? 

Many businesses and individuals lack sufficient computer and network knowledge to set up a default-deny firewall, and will therefore use a riskier but simpler "default-allow" rule, in which all traffic is permitted unless it has beenspecifically blocked for one of a number of possible reasons. This way of setting up a firewall makes “mysterious” and unplanned network connections possible, and the chance your system may be compromised becomes much more likely. 

Firewall technology had its first growth period in the computer technology revolution of the late 1980s, when the Internet was a fairly new in terms of its global reach and connectivity options. The predecessors to today’s hardware/software hybrid firewalls were the routers used in the mid 1980s to physically separate networks from each other. However small the Internet began, it was ultimately undone by supremely fast growth and the lack of security planning, and therefore there were the inevitable breaches caused by older (“prehistoric”) firewall formats. Fortunately, computer pros learn from their errors, and the firewall technology continues improving daily.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Though the tiger is one of the most powerful mammal, it also faces the worst chances of being extinct.

Tigers have been hunted heavily by humans over the past few years. The tiger population in the Indian sub-continent has declined seriously in the past fifty years. Nepal has only two hundred tigers, while India has about four thousand, a serious decline from the past figures. China and Korea are the biggest criminals as far as tiger poaching is concerned. In the nineteen hundreds, the entire tiger population was more than one lakh. However, today the global tiger population is less than ten thousand animals. 

While humans are the worst enemies of the tiger, it also has enemies in the form of elephants, bears and very large buffaloes.The only defense tigers have against their enemies are their razor sharp claws and their strong teeth. Other than that, sometimes the sheer weight of a tiger can kill a average sized humans. Tigers are known to weight as much as three hundred to five hundred pounds. 

The male tiger weighs five hundred pounds, whereas the tigress weighs three hundred pounds. The Siberian tiger is of the biggest size in the tiger family, and therefore the cat family. The tiger's average height is around three feet.

Tigers are very good climbers and swimmers. This adaptability saves them from natural disasters and floods. However, when it comes to fighting against their biggest mortal enemy - the human - tigers fall short of an arsenal in their weapon.

Tigers have been hunted by humans since time incarnate. In ancient times, some tigers were also tamed and kept as pets by royalty. Indeed, a tamed cat would add much color to the royal nature of people at that time.Tiger hunting was a sport played by royalty in ancient times. Also, in many Asian countries, there many superstitions regarding tigers. It doesn't matter whether wearing a talisman made out of a tiger's claw has any supernatural powers or not - a tiger will lose his life so that someone makes money out of it.

Other than that, tigers have been hunted for their fur. Ironically, the biggest enemies of tigers may be the connection they have with masculinity and strength in the minds of their largest predators, humans. Almost everything related to the tiger has been sold and held in high esteem and price, be it their claws, their fur, their teeth and in some cases, their eyes.

The tiger's body organs have also been rumored to be a cure for many of human ailments. This has also resulted in the reckless poaching of tigers, making the tigers an endangered species today.

Most of the tiger's body parts are said to be aphrodisiacs, medicines or poisons - possibly the most powerful in the world. This false notion has therefore made hunters hunt tigers for their whiskers, the aforementioned whiskers, their eyes, the aforementioned talismans and their penises, liver and fat, the aforementioned aphrodisiacs. The bones of a tiger are also said to be prized medicines.

Other than simple hunting, humans have also changed the natural habitat of the tiger. Humans have encroached on tiger land, which more often than not results in hunting tigers in the end. They have also destroyed their habitats by cutting down trees and polluting the atmosphere. More seriously, humans have hunted their prey, forcing tigers to either starve or take more risks. In reality, the tiger does not hunt any animal larger than itself, for example the elephant. 

There are now serious actions taken for the survival of this majestic beast at the brink of extinction. All sub species of the tiger, like the white tiger has been proclaimed to be endangered.China has banned the sale of all and any tiger related products since 1993. Since then, illegal poaching of tigers for their fur, bones and other organs is rampant.

This mammal really need a care now. These killing figures(1411) are itself telling that, they really need the attention else the day is not far when the Tiger will only become a text of some School book, and the coming generation just peeping their eyes while watching their photos.