Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Just missed to the door of new Law Of Nature...
Action still resulted in an equal and opposite reaction, gravity kept the Earth circling the Sun, and conservation of energy remained intact. But for the tiniest fraction of a second at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), physicists created a symmetry-breaking bubble of space where parity no longer existed.
Parity was long thought to be a fundamental law of nature. It essentially states that the universe is neither right- nor left-handed -- that the laws of physics remain unchanged when expressed in inverted coordinates. In the early 1950s it was found that the so-called weak force, which is responsible for nuclear radioactivity, breaks the parity law. However, the strong force, which holds together subatomic particles, was thought to adhere to the law of parity, at least under normal circumstances.
Now this law appears to have been broken by a team of about a dozen particle physicists, including Jack Sandweiss, Yale's Donner Professor of Physics. Since 2000, Sandweiss has been smashing the nuclei of gold atoms together as part of the STAR experiment at RHIC, a 2.4-mile-circumference particle accelerator, to study the law of parity under the resulting extreme conditions.
The team created something called a quark-gluon plasma -- a kind of "soup" that results when energies reach high enough levels to break up protons and neutrons into their constituent quarks and gluons, the fundamental building blocks of matter.
Theorists believe this kind of quark-gluon plasma, which has a temperature of four trillion degrees Celsius, existed just after the Big Bang, when the universe was only a microsecond old. The plasma "bubble" created in the collisions at RHIC lasted for a mere millionth of a billionth of a billionth of a second, yet the team hopes to use it to learn more about how structure in the universe -- from black holes to galaxies -- may have formed out of the soup.
When the gold nuclei, traveling at 99.999% of the speed of light, smashed together, the plasma that resulted was so energetic that a tiny cube of it with sides measuring about a quarter of the width of a human hair would contain enough energy to power the entire United States for a year.
But now  the team wants to test the result by running the experiment at lower collision energies to see if the apparent violation disappears when there is not enough energy to create the necessary extreme conditions.
If the effect proves to be real, it could help scientists understand a similar asymmetry that led to one of physics' most fundamental mysteries -- namely, why the universe is dominated by ordinary matter today when equal amounts of matter and antimatter were created by the Big Bang.
So lets see what happens next...? Will the coming generation will be reading the new law of nature of the same boring laws...

With Regards...!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Scientists have discovered the world's smallest superconductor, a sheet of four pairs of molecules less than one nanometer wide

Superconducting materials have an electrical resistance of zero, and so can carry large electrical currents without power dissipation or heat generation. Superconductivity was first discovered in 1911, and until recently, was considered a macroscopic phenomenon. The current finding suggests, however, that it exists at the molecular scale, which opens up a novel route for studying this phenomenon.

In the new study, which was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, scientist have examined synthesized molecules of a type of organic salt, (BETS)2-GaCl4, placed on a surface of silver. Using scanning tunneling spectroscopy, the scientists observed superconductivity in molecular chains of various lengths. For chains below 50 nanometers in length, superconductivity decreased as the chains became shorter. However, the researchers were still able to observe the phenomenon in chains as small as four pairs of molecules, or 3.5 nanometers in length.

To observe superconductivity at this scale, the scientists needed to cool the molecules to a temperature of 10 Kelvin. Warmer temperatures reduced the activity. In future studies, scientists can test different types of materials that might be able to form nanoscale superconducting wires at higher temperatures.

This is also vital if one wants to fabricate nanoscale electronic circuits using organic molecules
With Regards...!

Monday, March 29, 2010


How it feels when you sitting on your bed and suddenly falls down, and later comes to know, an earth quake arrives. But how about if your laptop tells you that earth quake is on its way...Lets check out how...

From the quakes of as low as  4.4-magnitude jostle in Los Angeles to as high as February's magnitude 8.8 disaster, ordinary laptops are increasingly acting as miniature seismic stations. They are becoming part of army known as the Quake-Catcher Network, which takes advantage of built-in accelerometers in newer laptops to transmit data about earthquakes to researchers at UC Riverside and Stanford University.

About 1,000 people from 61 countries have signed up so far. If the network gets large enough, researchers say, it could act as a low-cost earthquake warning system.

The newest laptops come fitted with accelerometer(motion detectors), whose job is to switch off the hard drive whenever the laptop is left idol. So this clicked the minds of scientist and decided to use it as quake detectors.The Quake-Catcher software program,  runs in the background on the laptop and becomes active when the user is idle.When the accelerometers detect a quake, the program automatically transmits data about the type and intensity of shaking over the Internet to the researchers.In the case of a power or Internet outage, the data is saved locally and transmitted later.

 Most of the time, earthquakes don't take out power and Internet immediately, so the software provides immediate data on at least the first few seconds of shaking.To filter earthquake data from people bumping or dropping their laptops, the system only flags an earthquake when many computers in one area record motion at once.These computer-based sensors aren't as sensitive as traditional seismic monitors, which can detect earthquakes of magnitude 1.0 or less. The lowest magnitude the Quake-Catcher Network can detect is about 4.0, a moderate quake much like the one that hit LA on March 16.Six of the 30 to 50 laptops in the LA area reported that shaking. The largest quake the network has recorded was Chile's February 27 temblor, which was captured by a USB accelerometer being tested by a professor at the University of Concepcion in Chile.But to get this one has to pay $5000 in order to get alert when ever the disasters arrives without a knock to your home.Now its on you life or money...

With Regards...!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

History may repeat...


University of Alberta physics professor James Pinfold is leading an international team of physicists who will use ultra high energy proton collisions. The protons will move at very near the speed of light, in search for a hypothetical particle, called the magnetic monopole.
Conventional understanding of magnets is that they must have north and south poles. In 1930 it was shown that a sub atomic particle with just a single magnetic pole could exist. Several modern theories of physics are built on the theoretical existence of magnetic monopoles.
Last year, researchers in France and Germany reported the observation of certain states of spin ice, a kind of crystalline material with essentially the same atomic arrangements as water ice that would create monopole-like particles. But Pinfold warns, "these 'quasi-monopoles' should not be confused with the real thing being sought by the U of A led collaboration at CERN."
At CERN, on the Swiss-French border, Pinfold's team will use the LHC, a particle accelerator 27 kilometres in circumference, to search for magnetic monopoles in the shrapnel like debris produced by colliding protons. The proton collisions will create unprecedented energy, 14 million electron volts. The tiny fireballs created in the impact will duplicate the energy produced just after the Big Bang, the event that created the universe.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia when 2.2 million homes and businesses turned their lights off for one hour to make their stand against climate change. Only a year later and Earth Hour had become a global sustainability movement with more than 50 million people across 35 countries participating. Global landmarks such as the, Sydney Harbour Bridge, The CN Tower in Toronto, The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, and Rome’s Colosseum, all stood in darkness, as symbols of hope for a cause that grows more urgent by the hour.

In March 2009, hundreds of millions of people took part in the third Earth Hour. Over 4000 cities in 88 countries officially switched off to pledge their support for the planet, making Earth Hour 2009 the world’s largest global climate change initiative.Earth Hour 2010 takes place on Saturday 27 March at 8.30pm (local time) and is a global call to action to every individual, every business and every community throughout the world. It is a call to stand up, to take responsibility, to get involved and lead the way towards a sustainable future. Iconic buildings and landmarks from Europe to Asia to the Americas will stand in darkness. People across the world from all walks of life will turn off their lights and join together in celebration and contemplation of the one thing we all have in common -our planet-EARTH
So I request all my readers to switch off lights, just for an hour and contribute yourself in saving earth...

With Regards...!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Due to the climate change, the ozone layer started depleting... and soon a ozone hole was seen in Antarctica. But due to the great effort by the scientist, the repair of the hole started... But check out what the latest report says...
The hole in the ozone layer is now steadily closing, but its repair could actually increase warming in the southern hemisphere.The Antarctic ozone hole was once regarded as one of the biggest environmental threats, but the discovery of a previously undiscovered feedback shows that it has instead helped to shield this region from carbon-induced warming over the past two decades.
High-speed winds in the area beneath the hole have led to the formation of brighter summertime clouds, which reflect more of the sun's powerful rays like a mirror.
The key to this newly-discovered feedback is aerosol -- tiny reflective particles suspended within the air that are known by experts to have a huge impact on climate.
Greenhouses gases absorb infrared radiation from the Earth and release it back into the atmosphere as heat, causing the planet to warm up over time. Aerosol works against this by reflecting heat from the sun back into space, cooling the planet as it does so.
Beneath the Antarctic ozone hole, high-speed winds whip up large amounts of sea spray, which contains millions of tiny salt particles. This spray then forms droplets and eventually clouds, and the increased spray over the last two decades has made these clouds brighter and more reflective.
As the ozone layer recovers it is believed that this feedback mechanism could decline in effectiveness, or even be reversed, leading to accelerated warming in the southern hemisphere.
The research is still going on, in order to repair this ozone whole in a natural way so that there is no effect on the environment as well...
So hope for the best...
With Regards...!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Worried of ur data being hacked...!

Dr. Scheuer has a solution for it...
He developed his system using a special laser he invented, which can reach over 3,000 miles without any serious parts of the signal being lost. This approach makes it simpler and more reliable than quantum cryptography, a new technology that relies on the quantum properties of photons, explains Dr. Scheuer. With the right investment to test the theory, Dr. Scheuer says it is plausible and highly likely that the system he has built is not limited to any range on earth, even a round-the-world link, for international communications.

So no  need to worry now. update your PC's and let the hackers arrive...

With Regards...!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Google China Controversy-
On January 12, 2010, Google announced that it is "no longer willing to continue censoring" results on, citing a breach of gmail accounts of Chinese human rights activists. The company found that the hackers had breached into two Gmail accounts but were only able to access 'from' and 'to' information and subject headers of emails in these accounts  The company's investigation into the attack showed that at least 34 other companies had been similarly targeted. Amongst the companies that were attacked were Adobe, Symantec, Yahoo, Northrop Grumman and Dow Chemical. Experts claim the aim of the attacks were to gain information on weapon systems, political dissidents, and valuable source code that powers software applications.
So, finally On March 23, was redirected to David Drummond, senior vice president of Google, stated in his blog that the current circumstances surrounding censorship of the Internet in Mainland China led Google to make such a decision. Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region in China with a high level of freedom of speech and expression, and does not censor search results, making it more effective for networking and sharing information with Internet users in mainland China.

A Good News For Apple Gadgets Lovers-
Apple launched a multi touch mouse called as "Magic Mouse".
Magic Mouse uses powerful laser tracking that’s far more sensitive and responsive on more surfaces than traditional optical tracking. That means it tracks with precision on nearly every surface — whether it’s a table at your favorite cafe or the desk in your home office — without the need for a mousepad.

Magic Mouse — with its low-profile design and seamless top shell — is so sleek and dramatically different, it brings a whole new feel to the way you get around on your Mac. You can’t help but marvel at its smooth, buttonless appearance. Then you touch it and instantly appreciate how good it feels in your hand. But it’s when you start using Magic Mouse that everything comes together.
The Multi-Touch area covers the top surface of Magic Mouse, and the mouse itself is the button. Scroll in any direction with one finger, swipe through web pages and photos with two, and click and double-click anywhere. Inside Magic Mouse is a chip that tells it exactly what you want to do. Which means Magic Mouse won’t confuse a scroll with a swipe. It even knows when you’re just resting your hand on it.
Being Wireless it connects with your PC using Bluetooth and is now available with Mac Book.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

23rd march 1931...
             The day when one of the greatest freedom fight led his life for the country. That revolutionary was born in one of the village of Punjab to whom we all know as Bhagat Singh.
                         Bhagat Singh was known for his appreciation of martyrdom. His mentor as a young boy was Kartar Singh Sarabha. Singh is himself considered a martyr for acting to avenge the death of Lala Lajpat Rai, also considered a martyr. In the leaflet he threw in the Central Assembly on 9 April 1929, he stated that It is easy to kill individuals but you cannot kill the ideas. Great empires crumbled while the ideas survived.After engaging in studies on the Russian Revolution, he wanted to die so that his death would inspire the youth of India which in turn will unite them to fight the British Empire.
While in prison, Bhagat Singh and two others had written a letter to the Viceroy asking him to treat them as prisoners of war and hence to execute them by firing squad and not by hanging. Prannath Mehta, Bhagat Singh's friend, visited him in the jail on March 20, four days before his execution, with a draft letter for clemency, but he declined to sign it.
On October 28, 2005, a book entitled Some Hidden Facts: Martyrdom of Shaheed Bhagat Singh—Secrets unfurled by an Intelligence Bureau Agent of British-India by K.S. Kooner and G.S. Sindhra was released. The book asserts that Singh, Rajguru, and Sukhdev were deliberately hanged in such a manner as to leave all three in a semi-conscious state, so that all three could later be taken outside the prison and shot dead by the Saunders family. The book says that this was a prison operation codenamed "Operation Trojan Horse."

"The aim of life is no more to control the mind, but to develop it harmoniously; not to achieve salvation here after, but to make the best use of it here below; and not to realise truth, beauty and good only in contemplation, but also in the actual experience of daily life; social progress depends not upon the ennoblement of the few but on the enrichment of democracy; universal brotherhood can be achieved only when there is an equality of opportunity - of opportunity in the social, political and individual life." — from Bhagat Singh's prison diary

So we as youth of India should come forward and follow this legend... a true man who led his life for his country,his people,his principles.

A Grand Grand Salute to the revolutionary...!

Vaise today we had our exam as well. Went ok. After our first exam was over we all were thinking whether we should think of preparing for the second exam or just pass time. Any how we managed to study gave the second exam as well. Now it was time to move back home. It was me,shashank and jaswant who were left, rest all our mates were gone back to their respective places. We moved out and were waiting for the bus to arrive. One,two,three... and so on. Then we decided to take lift else will stay in the college only. The process started and the vehicles just passed by giving no response to us as if we had asked for their kidney's. But after    
the hard work of around 30-40 min.  a car stopped . The guy was coming from Jalandhar and was going to Ludhiana. So we all three sat in and reached Ludhiana. Then Shashank left me to the Hotel and I reached back home at around 8:00 PM.

With Regards...!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Tomorrow we have our first MTE... one subject is ready and the second is almost started. Very boring subjects we have this time. But whether you like or not you have to prepare when it comes to performance and CV.
              And we all know that there's only on guy who is ready for the exams... yes thats SILENCER....! no need to wish him luck...
     Today, BCMites of 9th standard were shown their answer sheets. And my brother scored 80% but the final result will be shown on 25th of this month. So best of luck BCMites... Hope all iz well..!

And All The Best to my class mates as well who are having their exams tomorrow and have to start with the preparations...

With Regards...!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

What a day start... I don't know why the people do not understand that the water level is declining at very fast rate... What do they want...? that a day arrives when you don't have a drop of it..!
             Today, I saw a family washing their car and it took around half-an hour to wash it. Even their storage tank was overflowing. I dont know when these kind of people will understand that it is a very serious problem. And if they keep on doing the same, the day is not far...
Starting up with the exams, so busy with them. Best of luck to all my mates.

With regards...!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Happy Gudi Padwa to all

Happy Ugadi and a prosperous New Year

What a day it was...! tried every possible thing to pass time but all in vain. But you know all's well when end's well. And the same thing happened.
                      Today the SILENCER went out of control. It was we only who stopped one of my friend and SILENCER just got saved, else he was gone today. Thank us SILENCER for indirectly saving you.

                            Today was the last day of the FEST going on in our university called LE-FAMINA. We went to have a look on it. It was a great fun. Today's topic was 'Cultures of India'. In this the participants were representing different cultures,their traditional food,clothes and dance of different states of India. They were made to perform infront of the judges i.e. the board members of our university and any one was to be picked as winner. Two of my classmates also participated in it. One was representing Rajasthan and the other was representing Karnatka. It was great watching them. Over all the Fest went great it was a great fun.
They also served their traditional food like "makki di roti-sarson da saag, idle-sambhar,pani-puri..." and many more. Overall it was a great fun

With Regards..!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How boring it becomes to attend a class when you have your exams coming up from next week and you are left with no new topic to be discussed. Just sit in the class, give your attendance and sit in the class as if you have been punished by law. But any how we pass our time there with our friends.
                      You know friends, its easy to stand behind a fully loading truck emitting a large amount of smoke, than to listen the silencer singing. What a horrible experience it is. Today also, as usual , started with a sad song and I decided to move out of the class, to have some fresh air. After he is done, one of my friend suggested him to sing chiggy wiggy..! and if one would have asked me I would have suggested him 'sexy bitch' of akon.

         Hey friends, we daily use orkut, but do any one of you know who is the inventor of it. If no then let me tell you that, it was a guy named ORKUT BUYKOTTEN   who along with other engineers developed this software  in order to search his girlfriend. Three years were passed and he had was unable to find her,but he didn't gave hope and succeeded, found her at the cost of million of dollars. Then he decided to shut down his software as his purpose was solved, but the CEO of google took over it and now we use it and know it as ORKUT named after him.
 * He gets $12 from Google when every person registers to this website. 

* He also gets $10 when you add somebody as a friend.

* He gets $8 when your friend's friend adds you as a friend & gets $6 if

anybody adds you as friend in the resulting chain.

* He gets $5 when you scrap somebody & $4 when somebody scraps you.

* He also gets $200 for each photograph you upload on Orkut.

* He gets $2.5 when you add your friend in the crush-list or in the hot-list.

* He gets $2 when you become somebody's fan.

* He gets $1.5 when somebody else becomes your fan.

* He even gets $1 every time you logout of Orkut.

* He gets $0.5 every time you just change your profile-photograph.
* He also gets $0.5 every time you read your friend's scrap-book & $0.5 every time 

Sunday, March 14, 2010

hi friends...
Sorry, i was not available from past two days... had a lil fever, so was taking rest. But i'm fine now.

With Regards...!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hello BCMites..
Today the result of +1 of our school was declared. So, i hope it went in the favor of the school as well.  Hope this time it was 100%.
         Anyhow, my sis also gave the exam of +1 this year. Without attending any class she secured 76% in the finals. She is very sporty girl and always keeps herself busy in sports only. But m very happy that she secured good marks in finals.
     Best of luck princess... hope your performance increases  as you move ahead in life.

With Regards...!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom...
                    Yes friends,  its my moms b'day today. On this occasion we all organised a small party for her  at home. My dad gifted her a house worth rupees 62 lacks, a teddy and many more... So overall it was a great fun, a small family celebrating together.

With Regards...!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall...! I remember, we were in nursery when our teachers made us cram this poem. But she didn't told us the meaning. And now we came to know what actually the writer meant to say. But today we say the live example in front of us. Today we had the viva of our respective projects and we were the last to present our project. Our gang came and disclosed the project with a bang...! Now that was the interval when SILENCER's pollution control gave an high alert. Because the teacher taking our viva  said " Its a great thinking, so called sabse hatke...and please do show it to me when the project is ready". Now if a group get this kind of compliment then you can yourself imagine what there rivals are gonna feel.
                           Let me tell you that we are building a website on "SAVE OUR PLANET" where we will be telling about the causes, impacts & the alternate solution to save our beautiful mother planet. The design is ready and we will be soon starting our work with the project.
I wish you all the very best and may you get successful in what so ever project you are working on.

With Regards...!


Monday, March 8, 2010

O MY GOD..! what a painful day it was. My body is full of cramps. Its paining a lot.Still I went for my match today. WOW..! what a match it was. Really didn't even thought it would end like this. our main bowlers jassi, gagan. They really turned the match around. It was bcz of them we were able to win the match. But because of injuries I was not able to perform well. But all is well when ends well.
                                 Fill it. Forget it n shut it..!
       Tomorrow we have to submit the synopsis of our respective projects. But still I'm not able to think what to do. I think many of my classmates would be in the same  position. So, I feel , I should not think much about it and leave it to tomorrow.

With regards...!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

WOW...! what a day it was... Yesterday me and my  mates went to college ground to play football. The best part was we had our paji playing with us. What a stamina he has...Any how the match started and it moved very smoothly, but after first half it was injury time. Me and runit collapsed and both got badly injured. Then one after another , everyone was collapsing with eachother.  And at the end of the days play, no one was able to move, but I left the game in between as I have a match tomorrow in our university.
                       Now it was time to return back home, while on the way back me and one of my friend went to an institute where we came to know many new things. I have done C language but he told us that kind of basics that we had never listened. Yesterday only , I came to know that 60% of coding of Microsoft Window Vista is done in C language and it is an honour for we Indians that 40% of that coding was done by Microsoft India. So we are a proud indians and always ahead of everyone.

With Regards

Friday, March 5, 2010

It was a great day today. I personally enjoyed today & it was quite after a long time that I enjoyed  myself at the college. And on the way back to home as well. We really had fun today. But the most exciting moment was when silencer was not able to do the test of MSS and he was just searching for a hint and requesting sir to tell about it. But everything went  in vain. Sorry silencer, you cannot always cram everything and perform , its the understanding that always works.
             But an incident happened that should not have ... It was around 12:00 in the noon when we all were teasing each other and commenting on one another, when one of my mate commented one a girl, but in a very abusive language. I was not present at that moment but when I came to know about it, I strongly feel that he should not have used such words. The complaint has been forwarded to the SO of our university, so lets see what happens... But friends plz I request you, don't use any kind of abusive language against anybody. They are also someone's brother or sister, like you have.

With Regards...!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Best f Luck...

 I am tempted to keep away from a lot of things and tempted to get involved in many. It would all seem very exciting and adventurous, but prudence rules, and we keep away. The exuberance of youth at times gets one very close to succumbing to temptation. But as you mature it takes on a different shape. Responsibility and its depth of understanding keeps one conscious of the fact that this would not be the right thing to do. There are elders to answer to, seniors to respect. What would they say in such circumstances. We need to not just look after ourselves but indeed to look after what they need and feel.
                                                       03-03-2010, it was first CBSE board exam today. I hope it went well. So friends its time to burn the mid night oil and keep the keys of your bikes aside and start preparing for your upcoming exams. Forget what you did in your today's exam, be prepared for the next. So best of luck guys n have fun...

With regards...!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Its really sad to know that inspite of living in an independent country, nobody has the right to speak, to justify himself, to help in stopping crime... There's never a day passed without any kind of crime.
                             Do you know the public property that gets damaged in riots belongs to us only. They are brought with the money that we pay as tax to government. So its not the loss of government.
           I kindly request u all plz stop indulging in these kind of activities and make INDIA a fully developed country, where there is no place for castism, corruption etc and all the citizens are livng without any kind of fear...

With Regards...!